Monday, May 30, 2011

well, here goes!

Well, alrighty, here goes a first attempt at some written expression.

Sitting on my bed with T-beau curled up, meaning actually taking up a good two-thirds of the bed, I am waiting for Sarah to come by for a little "see ya laters". I keep on saying I am nervous, but I think in reality I only feel like I need to be. Somewhere along the lines in the next several weeks there will be a few good complications with all the planning, and I think with accepting that, I am one step closer to dealing with it.

I am already missing y'all something awful, as to be expected.

A few words about this lil blog space. Luke and I wanted to create a space where we could, not only send out a few greetings from afar, but also decompress from all the experiences. Sorry in advance for any stream-of-conscious ramblings, but it's all a part of figuring things out.
One thing I have been thinking a lot about lately is taking photos. I try to be cautious of what it means to be  capturing moments of someone else's life. I hope the images I share present fairly balanced and real lenses into other worlds.

so here's a first shot at some poetry, it's meant to be read aloud, even on your lonesome.

I am one for big ideas
expanding in the room 'till they
burst the walls and previous limitations are
scared away, deterred from
further oppressing.

I am one for the intangible, immense goals:
naive they call me, hope is unfounded
in reality.

well, what then is this reality, void of ungrounded inspiration?
from where will these tiny rootlets stretch their aspiring molecules
to achieve some form of greatness.

greatness immeasurable by scholars,
uncategorizeable by awards,
unknowable to those that cannot see with their heart or touch with their spirit.

this hope for greatness,
this greatness itself is
a shared light within each singular creature,

each movement towards another expands within, urging warmth among strangers,

and here we are.