Monday, June 20, 2011

On the People that I Don't Get to See Again

The anticipation of returning to friends and places that I haven't seen in three and a half years is ballooning fast for me, but the more I think about it, the more I think about my friend Moussa, a true friend, the likes of which are as rare in Dakar as anywhere else in the world. He died of malaria this past October. 
I had some footage from hanging out with him in 2007 when Joe Fresh and I traveled to Senegal together. In retrospect it's of course precious few clips of him, but for those that knew him we're lucky for the glimpses it gives us: hanging with friends, spoiling his niece Maam Daba, standing up for Mermoz when the developers came to build over a public space (Joe tells me it's been razed since), and being on the Ile de Madeleine off the coast of Dakar, one of his favorite places to be, by his own admission.

There's a lot more to say about him but not right here. I am posting the video below since many of you reading will have either known him or heard me talk about him. 

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