Thursday, August 4, 2011

On Whatever Will Be Typed in 13 Minutes

Hey folks, your correspondent here with the last communique. I have already seen my comrade off to her penultimate exotic destination, Cairo, where she will attempt to unlock the secrets of pyramid power within 24 hours (which may just be possible as she has recently acquired certain special wisdoms from Tom Robbins' Still Life With Woodpecker...our beat-up copy of which was bequeathed to the library of the Savannah Beach Inn, in Coco Beach outside Accra, FYI) before continuing on to home and the rest of her adult life (no pressure). As for yours truly, after our splendid though pricey last meal at the Affie Beach Hotel (which meal was preceeded by a lengthy and anxiety-ridden detour through the Jamestown fishing slums), as Alpha Blondy says, "wari bana," I'm down to my last 12 cedi.  It is most certainly time to this trip to be over...perhaps if it was shorter i would have wanted it to be longer, or if it was longer maybe i would have wanted it to be longer still, but for what it was, I am happy to be leaving on a last day that feels like such. 30seconds to comp logoff, ciao ! 

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